
The Festival Of Artisanal Software

visualize and organize your ideas and plans
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your complete writing studio
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quickly capture and connect ideas
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A Real Word Processor
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collect, organize and understand your data
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Eagle Filer
capture & organize files, e-mails, web pages
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Devon Think
manage documents the smart way
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Using links beats searching
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the reference manager you’ve been looking for
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powerful e-mail spam filtering
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Nisus Writer
The powerful Mac word processor
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Easy Data
Merge, clean, reformat data without coding
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Photos Workbench
organize, rate, & compare your photos
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Houdah Spot
powerful file search
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Devon Agent
Your smart (re)search assistant
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Automatic time tracking for Mac
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Image Framer
Add creative borders and frames to photos
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flexible visual planner
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Your recently used files, at your fingertips
Save 25%

The new season brings new plans, fresh projects, and great new ideas. Whether you’re mapping out your next novel, finishing your dissertation, planning a product, or writing memories for your grandkids, these great tools will help. As is our custom in this season, we’re hosting a gathering of software artisans who are working to transform research and writing for a new era. We’ve all finished our latest updates, we’re working together to save you lots of money. Get the tools you need at a terrific price, for a very limited time.


Your inspiration doesn’t come from a factory. Neither does artisanal software. For a limited time, we’re all offering you a great price on great software, right at the workshop door. No ridiculous bundles, no silly gimmicks. Great software, great support, great (but sustainable) prices.

better together

Artisanal software doesn’t come from fly-by-night marketers. We work hard to make sure our tools work together, because that makes everything better. We work hard to support great new technologies and great new ideas, while avoiding buzzspeak-compliant management trends.

fine tools

These are terrific tools for thinking, writing, organizing, and delivering your ideas. Sure, you can manage with less – but why would you want to? Each of these tools is carefully crafted and maintained by a small, dedicated team with vision and determination. Each is constantly honed and improved – since Tinderbox 1.0, we’ve had well over a hundred full releases for Tinderbox alone.

take it easy

We don’t make you jump through hoops. No need to dig up your serial numbers or clip boxtops. These are all full versions with complete support and upgrade privileges. No contests or hullabaloo, no discounts too good to be true. Just great prices for great software, right at the vineyard gate. Use the coupon code SummerFest2024.

Rich Siegel Founder & CEO, Bare Bones Software, Inc., emphasizes the importance of fine tools:

Creators know that having quality tools and reference materials make the creative process faster, more productive, and more gratifying, so the investment is well worth it.

Tinderbox designer Mark Bernstein finds his colleagues a constant source of inspiration:

You don’t discover inspired design in focus groups. Artisanal software is filled with ideas, ambition, and a passion to make things right. Using all these tools together lets our team build better software while engaging the rest of the research community.

Eric Böhnisch-Volkmann from DEVONtechnologies likes to create, and his customers do, too:

“Information technology is taking over more and more aspects of our lives and software has become the central element. But with the expansion of the software business came also concentration on fewer and much larger players. But you don’t set up individual workflows, do fine-tuned research, or solve non-standard problems with some standard software. The SummerFest apps are all from small, independent software makers that understand how you work and what your challenges are. They have a clear focus on what writers, researchers, and knowledge workers need and it shows in their products.”

Pierre Bernard from Houdah Software reflects on the limited but crucial role of software tools:

The tool does not make the craftsman, but choosing the right tool is part of the craft. We are all blessed with an operating system that comes with the tools you needed to get started, but there comes a point where we'd rather use a chisel than keep chipping away with a pocket knife. SummerFest is your opportunity to trade up to tools designed for your craft.


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The tool for notes.

Tinderbox stores and organizes your notes, plans, and ideas. A professional tool that helps you analyze and understand your information as it grows and changes, Tinderbox is a powerful but personal content assistant that helps you share your notes through the cloud and on the Web.

  • New: Take notes on your iPhone or iPad, route them directly to the pertinent Tinderbox project
  • Maps help you discover emergent structure and unexpected relationships
  • Agents and rules let your work keep itself organized
  • Treemaps, word clouds, dashboards and [[ziplinks]] connect and visualize your ideas

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Scrivener 3 for macOS and Windows is a powerful content-generation tool for writers that allows you to concentrate on composing and structuring long and difficult documents. While it gives you complete control of the formatting, its focus is on helping you get to the end of that awkward first draft.

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25% off on Scapple, an easy-to-use tool for getting ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them.

If you’ve ever scribbled down ideas all over a piece of paper and drawn lines between related thoughts, then you already know what Scapple does.

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Find files. Fast!

HoudahSpot is a productivity tool. It is the hub where all the files related to your current task come together. You can also take a deep dive to fetch further information from your archives from here.

Find files using multiple criteria (such as name, text content, kind, and a wide assortment of other metadata). Searches are easy to build with a few clicks. HoudahSpot shows search results in a convenient interface that keeps all your essential data within reach.

HoudahSpot uses the existing Spotlight index for ultra-fast file searches. It gives you the tools to get manageable search results from even the most extensive collection of files: an easy-to-use search criteria editor, customizable results displays, search templates, a preview of text matches, and more.

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Panorama X

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Panorama X combines the best elements of database and spreadsheet technology into a single package, making it an unparalleled tool for working with and analyzing any kind of information. Like a spreadsheet, Panorama X is RAM based for speed and flexibility, but with all of the data processing power of a full-blown database application and more. Panorama provides incredible performance when sorting, searching, performing analysis, and even when doing complete data restructuring. Even if a database already contains tens of thousand of records, Panorama X can quickly conquer tasks like shifting misaligned data, splitting or merging fields, correcting mis-formatted or improperly capitalized data, search and replace, phonetic searches or even searching with a formula or regular expression. It's like a Swiss Army knife for your data!

Key features:

  • Native (and fast!) on Apple Silicon Macs
  • 64-Bit RAM-Based Relational Database Engine
  • Flexible Searching and Sorting
  • Interactive Data Analysis & Summaries
  • Universal Multi-Level Undo
  • Graphical Layout, Custom Reports & Labels
  • Fully Programmable and Recordable
  • Regular Expressions
  • Flexible Import & Export

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DEVONthink 3

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DEVONthink is your paperless office. It stores all your documents, helps you keep them organized, and presents you with what you need to get the job done.

Focus on your work and let DEVONthink remember all the details. Collect, organize, edit and annotate documents of any kind. Have them automatically analyzed, connected, and filed. Sync them between your Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

  • Keeps your data together
  • Scans your paper
  • Archives your email
  • Assists you with A.I.
  • Syncs your data securely
  • Automates repeating tasks
  • Lets you share your data

Sophisticated organization tools, AI-based techniques that handle even the largest collections, and numerous integration options make DEVONthink the work environment of choice for researchers, lawyers, and educators. Smart rules, flexible reminders, and deep AppleScript support allow automating even complex repeating tasks. And with its fast, reliable, and secure synchronization you keep your data available on all your Macs. DEVONthink To Go for iPad and iPhone completes the DEVONthink ecosystem.

DEVONthink comes in three editions from more basic (DEVONthink is never really basic) to Pro and the team-oriented Server edition.

The coupon code is also valid for upgrades from DEVONthink 2. It cannot be combined with other discounts.

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DEVONagent Pro

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DEVONagent Pro helps you search more efficiently on the web. It searches multiple sources, frees you from hunting for the really relevant results, and gives you power tools for your research.

  • Get results pre-filtered for you
  • View results the way you want
  • Create reports in many formats
  • Save searches so you can continue later

Search the web like never before: DEVONagent Pro queries all major and minor search engines, weeds out all the junk, and presents the really good stuff nicely ranked the way you want.

Web search the way it should be: DEVONagent Pro’s menulet puts web search where it belongs: right next to Spotlight in the menu bar. Or use its keyboard shortcut, instead of reaching for the mouse. You still have to type your query yourself, though.

It's not about search: it's about productivity. You are already busy writing, creating, researching. Let DEVONagent Pro assist you by providing you with the data you need and the best tools on the Mac for working with it.

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Hookmark helps you get more out of your favorite artisanal software. You can copy links to just about anything. Even get deep links to specific locations in PDF files and videos. Hookmark automatically bookmarks your copied links (not just web links). It optionally syncs web bookmarks to Instapaper, GoodLinks and Pinboard (if you are subscribed to them). Hookmark’s contextual window shows you two-way links to your notes, PDFs, emails, tasks, and other resources in your favorite software.

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Nisus Writer Pro

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Nisus Writer Pro is a powerful word processor with all the writing tools you need, thoughtfully packed into a tidy package.

Create, edit, and polish your prose to craft beautiful documents with ease. Our intuitive interface exposes a rich set of features that never get in your way. Taking notes in class, writing your novel, or structuring a complex document— Nisus Writer Pro can handle it all.

Nisus Writer was built from the ground-up exclusively for the Mac with native support for Apple Silicon, Dark Mode, document autosave and versioning, and iCloud. Compatible with macOS 10.11 through Ventura

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Reference management entails the collection, annotation, curation, and citation of published information. This is exactly what Bookends does, and it does it like no other software.

Bookends performs Internet searches to retrieve references and associated pdfs or web pages, and can immediately find and import references for which you already have the pdf. Versatile groups (static, smart, hierarchical, and virtual), Term Lists (keywords, authors, etc.), reference cross-linking, notecards, PDF file tags, PDF annotations that can be viewed/edited in notecards, on-the-fly creation of reference data tag clouds, and instantaneous live searches help organize and find information in your personal collection.

Coupon applies to new sales only. You'll also find a discounted in-app purchase for Bookends for iOS the the App Store.

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Easy Data Transform

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Easy Data Transform is your data multi-tool, allowing you to quickly and easily transform your data into the form you need it. Construct simple or complex data flows step-by-step using drag and drop. See the results of each transform immediately. Everything is visual and there is no syntax to remember. It is ideal for cleaning dirty data, transforming from one data format into another, deduping mailing lists, creating reports or any number of other data tasks.

Key features:

  • Handles a wide range of data formats, including: CSV, Excel, JSON, XML, plain text, vCard and fixed column width.
  • 66 different transforms, including: Join, Stack, Filter, Dedupe, Date Format and Sort.
  • Handles a wide range of text encodings.
  • Optional regular expressions and Javascript transforms for more power.
  • Super fast processing.
  • Handles millions of rows.
  • Use batch processing to convert thousands of data files in one operation.
  • Save your transformation flows to reuse again.
  • Confidential data never has to leave your desktop.
  • Comprehensive help documentation and videos. Plus email support and an online forum if you get stuck.
  • One time purchase (not a subscription), which covers both Mac and Windows (up to 3 computers).
  • Free trial and 60 day money-back guarantee.

Click here for the discount!

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Photos Workbench

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Photos Workbench is a companion to Apple Photos. It helps you organize, rate, and compare photos.

  • Batch change titles to give photos descriptive names.
  • Add location information with minimal effort. Drag-and-drop photos onto a large map. Geocode photos automatically using a GPS track log.
  • Use star ratings to classify and find photos by their relative quality or relevance.
  • Use keyword palettes and keyboard shortcuts to add keywords quickly while maintaining consistent terminology.
  • Compare photos side-by-side to find the best shot in a series of photos or variants of the same image.

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EagleFiler makes organizing and managing your information easy. It lets you archive and search mail, Web pages, PDF files, word processing documents, images, and more. Use it to collect information from a variety of sources. Browse different types of files using a familiar three-pane interface. Organize them into folders and annotate them with tags and notes, or leave everything in one folder and pin-point the information you need using the live search. Since EagleFiler stores its library in Finder format, you can use it in concert with the other tools in your Mac ecosystem.

EagleFiler is a digital filing cabinet, a research assistant, snippet collector, and document organizer. You can use it to write a journal, track all the files for a project or job, manage your bookmarks, save your favorite Web articles, store financial statements and receipts, run a paperless office, plan a trip, collect your course notes, archive your e-mail correspondence, search mailing list archives, research a purchase, remember recipes to cook or books to read, store scientific papers, sort photos, gather legal case notes, or assemble a scrapbook. It’s the most flexible tool on your Mac.

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Trickster keeps track of recent files and applications you’ve been using on your Mac and gives you easy and fast access to them. Stop searching. Start finding.

  • Send email attachments faster
  • Drag downloaded files directly into apps without opening Finder
  • Don’t worry about where applications save their files, they’re all in the same place now
  • Two-way connectivity with Hook.


  • Handle displaying new Dropbox client's paths and iCloud-based Desktop/Documents
  • Add support for Setapp version of Hookmark
  • For items originating from DEVONthink:
    • Copying URLs will copy a callback URL that opens the item in DEVONthink. Helps with copying DEVONthink items, for example
    • Option-Double-Click or Option-Return will open the file using a default app for the type instead of inside DEVONthink.

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ImageFramer Pro

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ImageFramer Pro is the most versatile solution for adding borders to your photos on the Mac, from artistic borders to photorealistic frames. Quickly  frame photographs, digital art, Etsy shop listings, family snapshots—any image you can get onto your Mac. Choose from thousands of photorealistic or artistic frames and mats, layered in endless combinations. Add text and image overlays, including watermarks to digitally sign your original artwork. You can even batch process multiple photos or use it with Adobe Lightroom Classic or Apple Photos.

Who uses ImageFramer? Professional artists, photographers, bloggers, scrapbookers, craft enthusiasts, and anyone who just wants better looking family photos.

Showcase your art with lifelike frames for a professional look, find the perfect frame by comparing multiple designs, or just have fun with your image library.

NEW: Comprehensive Undo/Redo support, UI improvements, Shortcuts action to apply ImageFramer design on macOS Monterey and massive updates to Image and Text Overlay functionality, including rotation, opacity and shadows.

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Hyper Plan combines the simplicity of sticking colored notes to the wall with the flexibility of software. Arrange your tasks in an easy to understand form. See at a glance what needs doing next. Typical uses include: agile project planning, production planning, sales pipeline tracking, storyboarding and resource scheduling. If you have ever planned something by sticking notes to a wall, then you pretty much know how to use it already.

Key features:

  • Add unlimited properties to your plan, such as: priority, status, person and duration.
  • Automatically layout, color-code and filter cards by their properties.
  • Switch between stored 'views' with a mouse click. E.g. switch from column=priority, row=person, color=status to column=person, row=status, color=priority.
  • Show row, column and grand totals for any numerical properties - much easier than a pivot table.
  • View and edit card data in a compact tabular form.
  • Display bar charts with a mouse click.
  • Customize colors, fonts etc to your own preferences.
  • Handles thousands of cards.
  • Use connections between cards to show dependencies.
  • No need to entrust your data to a third party or rely on their servers.
  • One time purchase (not a subscription), which covers both Mac and Windows (up to 5 computers).
  • Free trial and 60 day money-back guarantee.

Click here for the discount!

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Timing automatically tracks how you spend time on your Mac — down to the app, document and website. This helps you become more productive by allocating time more effectively. Timing’s interactive timeline also makes it easy to track “offline” times such as meetings. And if you are a freelancer, Timing can create timesheets to make billing your hours a breeze.

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Mellel is a word processor designed from the ground up to be the ultimate writing tool for academics, technical writers, scholars and students. Mellel is strong, stable and reliable, and is the ideal companion for working on documents that are long and complex, short and simple, or anything in between.

Key Features:

  • Auto-titles: Insert automatically formatted headings and captions to define your document’s structure.
  • Bibliography: See your citations and bibliography updated automatically with Live Bibliography without losing control over formatting with the Mellel + Bookends integration.
  • Outline: Get a bird’s-eye view of your document, quickly access any part of it and edit its structure.
  • Footnotes and Endnotes: Add an unlimited number of footnote and endnote streams.
  • Multilingual Support: Use multiple languages, script systems and writing directions within the same document, paragraph or sentence. The best right-to-left support for Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac.
  • Styles: Define and apply styles for any aspect of your document, from character and paragraph to page and note. Pack your styles together in a style set that can be used in multiple documents.
  • Additional Features: Automatically updated cross-references, powerful table of contents, reusable and expressive find & replace, rapid indexing tool and much more.

Introducing Mellel 6: This significant update, more than a year and a half in the making, brings Dark Appearance support, Split View, Outline Export, improved Find & Replace, and a multitude of enhancements to Mellel's user interface, rendering, and features.

Purchasing Mellel allows you to use Mellel on up to 5 computers, and gives you two years of free updates.

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Save time by adding powerful spam filtering to your Mac e-mail client. SpamSieve gives you back your inbox, using Bayesian spam filtering to provide amazing accuracy that’s constantly improving. SpamSieve learns and adapts to your mail, so it’s able to block nearly all the junk—without putting good messages in the Junk mailbox. (It can even rescue good messages that your mail server’s junk filter put into Junk.) It’s quick and easy to control SpamSieve from within Apple Mail, Outlook, Airmail, MailMate, GyazMail, and more.

SpamSieve 3 has been redesigned to be easier to set up and more accurate than ever. Filtering is automatic based on the messages that you train, and you also have full control to customize it with powerful blocklist and allowlist rules. SpamSieve running on your Mac can keep the spam off your iPhone/iPad, and you can even review the spam and train it from iOS.

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